Get in trouble... good trouble. (Inspired by the words of the late John Lewis)

(Open letter to all children/teens/young adults)

It was civil rights activist and icon Mr. John Lewis Davis who made the statement:
"Get in trouble, good trouble"

You are never to young to be the change, You CAN make a difference in this life.. It does not matter how old you are, where you come from, what your skin color is or. anything like that.

Someone said: "Be the change you want to see".

Living in this day and age/in this time it is important that you all push towards and strive to achieve that change, whether it be by way of school or everyday life, it may feel like a struggle or a tussle from time to time but it's a must that you all push for what you believe in.

Sometimes, I sit and I wonder what life will be like for my children when they get into their adult lives, I'm not afraid to say that I am afraid simply because I look around from day to day and pay attention to the society that they are growing up in now, my hearts prayer for them is that things will be better.

Being the change may mean standing alone at times but I want you to know that the things you stand for are important, don't EVER let anyone tell you that they are not, don't be afraid to push for a better tomorrow.

When I lived back home in NYC some years ago there was a sign that they had posted in the subways that said: "If you see something, say something".

No matter your age it's important that you not be afraid to speak up and speak out
though sometimes it may seem a bit scary.

When you see something that may seem off to you, Speak up,
When you see someone doing something that you know is just plain wrong, don't be afraid, speak up.
If you have something to say and want your voice to be heard, Speak up!

John F. Kennedy said:
"One person can make a difference and everyone should try".

There will always be opposition, people will try and speak over you or silence you or try and find ways to keep you from speaking at all but make sure that you always speak up!!

You all have a voice... be sure to let it be heard.

Lastly. I need you to always stand your ground and never ever give up, so long as your alive you can always be of help or assistance. Know that It's ok to be persistent regardless of what others say, think or feel, the change you want will come in due time if you continue on in following after it.

Don't let fear lead you to feel powerless, what you do can and will in due time have an impact on others and those who will follow behind in the generations to come

Be that ripple effect... let it start with you.

I'm going to close out the way i opened..

Get in trouble, Good trouble.
