
Get in trouble... good trouble. (Inspired by the words of the late John Lewis)

(Open letter to all children/teens/young adults) It was civil rights activist and icon Mr. John Lewis Davis who made the statement: "Get in trouble, good trouble" You are never to young to be the change, You CAN make a difference in this life.. It does not matter how old you are, where you come from, what your skin color is or. anything like that. Someone said: "Be the change you want to see". Living in this day and age/in this time it is important that you all push towards and strive to achieve that change, whether it be by way of school or everyday life, it may feel like a struggle or a tussle from time to time but it's a must that you all push for what you believe in. Sometimes, I sit and I wonder what life will be like for my children when they get into their adult lives, I'm not afraid to say that I am afraid simply because I look around from day to day and pay attention to the society that they are growing up in now, my hearts prayer for the